Hunter Biden to be indicted, laptop reveals president is compromised

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, author Peter Schweizer discussed the seriousness of The New York Times’ admission that Hunter Biden’s laptop is authentic, and not part of a Russian deception operation.

Schwizer, the author of “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” is of the opinion that the emergence of the New York Times article on March 16 is indicative of preparation by the Biden family for the potential fallout from a Hunter Biden indictment.

“I think this New York Times piece, the fact that they got cooperation from Team Biden and probably from the Hunter Biden legal team, is an indication that they are extremely concerned he’s going to be indicted,” he stated.

An investigation into Hunter’s activities has been underway since 2018. David Weiss, United States Attorney for the District of Delaware is handling the case. COVID disrupted the process of the investigation, and Hunter is once again facing charges of taxes and corruption.

“It’s back up and running, and it’s very clear that when it comes to the issues related to the tax evasion and money laundering and the other issues wrapped up with it, they are extremely concerned Hunter Biden’s going to be indicted,” Schweizer explained. “And I think this article is an effort to frame the conversation in a way that could be the most favorable to them.”

The author has described the corrupt activities of the Biden family, including their interactions with Chinese operatives.

According to reports, the laptop contains emails that show Hunter Biden smoking crack along with sexually revealing images and references to a string of shady business transactions with foreign firms. In the days before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post reported on the story and it was censored by social media platforms.

Schweizer told Bartiromo:

“There’s a couple of things that people have to keep in mind,” “The first is if you look at the three big flashpoints in American foreign policy today — Ukraine, Russia and China — the Biden family has received funds, millions of dollars — in some cases tens of millions of dollars — from powerful individuals connected to the government in each of those countries. That’s the first factor.”

“The second factor is this is not just a Hunter Biden story. The New York Times tries to paint it that way. The headline is even ‘Hunter Biden pays his back taxes, but broad investigation continues.’ But you’re right. They admit that the laptop is real, and what the laptop reveals, Maria, is that Hunter Biden received these funds, but the president of the United States, Joe Biden, was a recipient and a beneficiary of those funds. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden had intermingled finances; Hunter Biden was paying monthly bills, he was paying for repairs on his home.”

“So, this is a story that goes straight to the president, and each of these countries, particularly China, has a policy of using commercial ties, financial ties, as leverage over foreign elites. And they clearly have that in this case with Joe Biden.”

According to him, the laptop contained messages that indicate Hunter Biden is the recipient of questionable overseas payments worth at least $31 million.

“These are the deals that are enunciated. There are emails in which foreign nationals are saying, ‘I just acquired $5 million into your account please confirm receipt,’ so it’s clear in black and white, but it’s important to point out in the case of China the $31 million came from four Chinese businessmen, each one with links to the highest level of Chinese intelligence.”

There is nothing new about the emails being revealed. They were the subject of a New York Post article last year that detailed Hunter Biden’s April 2015 dinner at Georgetown’s Cafe Milano with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma advisor Vadym Pozharskyi on the guest list.

“Dad will be there but keep that btw us for now,” Hunter wrote in an email.

Pozharskyi responded on April 17, 2015, writing, “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.”

Hunter’s father, Joe Biden, has denied there was any meeting at all.

In other Hunter news, Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of Hunter’s daughter, testified to a Delaware grand jury in the criminal investigation of Hunter last week, according to Clint Lancaster, her attorney. Former stripper Roberts had once been employed by Hunter Biden’s consulting firm, according to the New York Post.

The authorities have already received a substantial amount of Hunter’s financial records from Lancaster.

“I expect him to be indicted,” Lancaster to a CNBC reporter. “Just based on what I saw in his financial records, I would be surprised if he’s not indicted.”

Lancaster revealed he showed the records to the Arkansas child support court as part of a case against Hunter Biden.

According to him, he saw “a lot of information” as being “problematic” for Hunter, without stating specifically what he saw.

A report in the New York Times this week stated that Hunter Biden was also under criminal investigation for his lobbying work outside the United States:

Mr. Biden’s extensive work with foreign businesses came under scrutiny from prosecutors looking into whether he should have registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent. Investigators have examined Mr. Biden’s relationships with interests in Kazakhstan, a Chinese energy conglomerate and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Source: The Republic Brief