For Veterans, Donald Trump puts his money where his mouth is

trump-for-veteransDonald Trump has gotten a lot of criticism for his remarks about John McCain. And if you believe the press, there’s no way that vets will support him. But that may not be the case.  For example, a prominent leader of  New York’s Vietnam Veterans Plaza has told ABC News that Trump “has not been a bad guy to us.”

His name is Vincent McGowan. And he’s who has been active in the organization since its inception in 1983. Today he is an outspoken board member says that if it wasn’t for Trump, the project in lower Manhattan would have never gotten off the ground. Trump has sometimes mentioned that he has done a lot for veterans but he stays away from specifics. This is more than likely only one of many efforts that he has made to help them.

McGowan tells the story of how the downtown property for New York’s Vietnam Veterans Plaza was gifted to the veterans by the Koch administration but they couldn’t do anything with it because they had no money. Trump came to the rescue when he heard about the situation and committed $1M in a matching fund. McGowan and other veterans are quick to say that they “couldn’t have built it without him.”

Original Post and additional comments From Yahoo / ABC News

Texas Patriot

Every liberal Democrat on this issue falls into 2 categories; 1.) the sheep who don’t actually follow politics and believe every lie coming on of the DNC (they actually believe Trump doesn’t stand a chance). 2.) the professional liars/propagandists (the media & politicians) who have been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Trump and nothing works.
They will both share the same destination…100 mph face first into an American brick wall named President Donald J. Trump! God bless America!
Texas Patriot
Trump is the wrecking ball to liberalism & political corruption in America. Go Trump!


 I would like to personally thank Mr. Trump from the bottom of my heart for even caring for us veterans. Even the fact he has given time, property & money as well as words of encouragement is a great motivation for those who have been forgotten, abused & killed by their own Gov’t. THANK YOU Mr. Trump… now I am crying…
Go Donald go! He is the ONLY candidate that scares the $!#/ out of ALL OUR ENEMIES OVERSEAS! Plus he knows how to create jobs! And he will get the wall built & bring reform to illegal immigration! Go Donald go!