62% Of Voters Say Putin Wouldn’t Have Invaded If Trump Were President; Poll

A new Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)-Harris Poll survey (conducted between Feb. 23 and Feb. 24 with 2,026 registered voters) released exclusively to The Hill on Friday found that 62% of those polled believed Putin would not be moving against Ukraine if Trump had been president.

The partisan breakdown is even more striking:

85% of Republicans think Putin wouldn’t have invaded if Trump had been president and 38% of Democrats also believed it.

A majority of Americans polled – 59% – also said they believed that the Russian president moved on Ukraine because Putin saw weakness in President Biden.

Of course, the blame for this crisis is already being pitched at the previous administration as, after four years of constant gaslighting over US-Trump collusion the narrative needs to be kept alive. However, as the polls above show, and the following ‘objective’ facts prove, that is entirely false:

And this two minute rant over dinner by Trump, blasting NATO leaders (and specifically Germany), should clarify a lot for you – Trump was right… again!

Finally, it appears the ‘rally around the flag’ bump in Biden’s approval rating is already starting to fade already…

Perhaps the imminent $4 gas price is why?

“On the eve of his State of the Union, the president has hit a new low as inflation and economic anxiety hit new highs. The president is now underwater on every top domestic and foreign policy issue,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.

The same poll found that 64 percent of registered voters said Biden is “too lenient” with Russia, while 31 percent said he handles Russia “just right.” Five percent said he’s “too tough.”

However, as Rick Moran write at PJMedia.com, the news is even worse in the left-leaning Marist poll which found that most Americans see Biden’s first year as a “failure.”

Majorities of Americans think Biden’s first year in office has been a failure (56%), he is not fulfilling campaign promises (54%), and he is doing more to divide the nation (52%) than to unite it. Americans are more than four times as likely to consider Biden’s first year to be a major failure (36%) than a major success (8%).

We cannot wait to see how the president spins all this in his State of The Union address next Tuesday (which we note will be followed not just by the usual GOP rebuttal, but Democratic “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib will be making a speech to push the progressive agenda on behalf of the Working Families Party following Biden’s speech).

Not exactly ‘unifying’.

Source: Zero Hedge