Mitt Romney Blames Trump’s “America First” Policy For Russian Attack On Ukraine

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Senator Mitt Romney believes he’s identified where the real blame lies for Russia’s attack on Ukraine – former President Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy.

The former presidential candidate made the comments following Moscow’s bombardment of Ukraine’s military infrastructure.

While Romney did criticize Joe Biden for his failed attempt at a Russian “reset,” he saved most of his invective for Trump’s “America first” foreign policy approach.

“Putin’s impunity predictably follows our tepid response to his previous horrors in Georgia and Crimea, our naive efforts at a one-sided ‘reset’ and the shortsightedness of ‘America First,’” Romney wrote.

Romney’s admonishment of “America First” is somewhat discredited by the fact that Putin made no significantly aggressive moves against neighboring countries during Trump’s term in office.

During Barack Obama’s second term, when Biden was vice-president, Putin annexed Crimea.

“The ’80s called’ and we didn’t answer,” said Romney, referring to when Obama dismissed the Senator’s concerns about the threat Russia posed to the world during the 2012 debates.

As we highlighted earlier, Vladimir Putin attempted to justify the attack by saying he was fighting Nazis, a common trope now so overused it should be permanently retired.

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Source: Zero Hedge