Biden Delivers First Address to Joint Session of Congress


President Joe Biden speaks to a joint session of Congress Wednesday, April 28, 2021, in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. (Michael Reynolds/Pool via AP)

President Joe Biden speaks to a joint session of Congress Wednesday, April 28, 2021, in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. (Michael Reynolds/Pool via AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:18 AM PT – Thursday, April 29, 2021

Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday night and wasted no time to tout the work accomplished in his first 100 days.

“After 100 days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for a takeoff in my view,” he stated. “We’re working again, dreaming again, discovering again and leading the world again.”

However, a large part of his one-hour and five minute address was spent simply taking credit for the work President Trump accomplished before him. This particularly included coronavirus vaccine distribution.

“After I promised 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in 100 days, we will have provided over 220 million COVID shots in 100 days with your help,” Biden gloated. “We’re marshaling every federal resource, we’ve gotten the vaccine to nearly 40,000 pharmacies and over 700 community health centers.”

He also took credit for the lowering of prescription drug costs. While Biden did acknowledge President Trump in his comments on prescription drug prices, he failed to mention four executive orders he signed in the summer of 2020 that did exactly that.

In regards to prescription drug costs. , Biden failed to recognize the crisis at the southern border after reversing the work of President Trump in securing the nation.

“On day one of my Presidency, I kept my commitment to a comprehensive immigration bill to the U.S. Congress, ” Biden stated. “If you believe we need to secure the border then pass it because it has a lot of money in it for high tech border security.”

Time spent speaking on things in which he was not stealing credit for or twisting the narrative of was, instead, spent by touting programs that have long been referred to as Democrat “pet projects.” Biden then explained exactly how he thought America could afford these programs: taxing corporations.

“But it’s time for corporate America and the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans to just begin to pay their fair share,” he asserted. “My fellow Americans…trickle down economics has never worked and it’s this time to grow the economy from the bottom and the middle out.”

A higher corporate tax would also serve to fund another one of the Democrats’ rallying cries: a raise in the federal minimum wage. Biden called on Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or the PRO Act, and send it to his desk to support the right to unionize.

While Democrats have heralded Biden for his “big promises, bigger spending” policies, Republicans were less than impressed with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) suggesting “this whole thing could have just been an email.”

MORE NEWS: Biden admin. fails to deliver on promise of a ‘better America’

Source: One America News Network