Vaccines Are Because Of Trump Even Though Biden Won’t Admit It

Many Republicans and Trump supporters were taken aback when Joe Biden seemed to want to take all the credit for the vaccines. For somebody that said that he wanted to make peace with the other side and proceed with a spirit of cooperation his statements didn’t exactly chart that course. In fairness, politicians are that way. All of them. They place blame on somebody else and try to take credit for anything that makes them look good.

Donald Trump was out to defeat the virus. And vaccines were in his sights. Nobody goes to war thinking that their going to lose. Even if the odds are against them they have to believe that there’s a chance that they can win. That’s the way Donald Trump is. He’s been beating the odds all his life. It had to burn him up, at least a little, when he saw Biden try to take all the credit for the vaccine.

“Biden does get some credit for distributing the shots, but Trump is the one who was responsible for producing vaccines in record time. What’s more, by doing that, it guaranteed that America had first dibs on the supply. The current president claims he inherited a mess. In fact, he inherited a miracle—Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

Trump insisted he would have vaccines ready by the end of 2020, a goal naysayers like government virus guru Anthony Fauci said was impossible. Thousands of column inches and many more tweets mocked Trump’s optimism. Before the novel-coronavirus vaccines, the fastest ever vaccine development—for mumps in the 1960s—took four years.” /DJT

Looking back at the group of bureaucrats and establishment types that surrounded him, it’s amazing that Trump was able to do what he did. Most of America is grateful that he was proactive. That he took charge and made the vaccines and therapeutics happen – in spite of the forces against him. Sadly there’s another group in America that will never know what he did because the media never told them. But we know. And Trump Knows.