NAACP Votes To Impeachment Trump Despite Lowest Black Unemployment Ever


By Joe Setyon

The Mission of The NAACP is clear. Delegates to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s convention in Detroit voted unanimously Tuesday to call for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, the organization announced Tuesday.

The civil rights group passed a resolution claiming Trump is “unmindful of the high duties of his office,” such as as the need to “secure harmony and respect for stability within society of the United States.”

“Donald John Trump has, with his bigoted statements, done more than simply insult individuals and groups of Americans,” the resolution says, as reported. “He has harmed the American society by attempting to convert his bigoted statements into United States policy.”

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The resolution cited several instances, including Trump’s remarks after violence broke out at a 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as his comments on NFL players who kneel during the playing of the national anthem and his executive order prohibiting people from some majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States.

“The pattern of Trump’s misconduct is unmistakable and has proven time and time again, that he is unfit to serve as the president of this country,” Derrick Johnson, who serves as the NAACP’s president and CEO, said in a statement.

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“From his attempts to curtail the scope of Robert Mueller’s investigation to calling out minority congresswomen and telling them to go back to their countries, to caging immigrant children without food or water to his numerous attempts to avert the Supreme Court’s decision to not add in the citizenship question to the 2020 Census — this president has led one of the most racist and xenophobic administrations since the Jim Crow era,” Johnson said.

The NAACP’s vote came as Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green, one of Congress’ most outspoken supporters of impeaching the president, addressed the convention.

Green forced a vote last week on his resolution to start impeachment proceedings, but the resolution was easily tabled, according to Fox News.

The NAACP, meanwhile, is calling for impeachment despite very low unemployment numbers for African-Americans. In doing so, the group is showing that its real goal is to push a political agenda rather than to work for the benefit of African-Americans.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the black unemployment rate was 6 percent in June, not far off from the record-low 5.9 percent reported in May 2018.

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For comparison, the back unemployment rate was 16.4 percent in August 2011.

But that doesn’t seem to matter all that much to the NAACP’s leadership, which seems to value bashing Trump more than celebrating the economic gains African-Americans have made during his presidency.

“Trump needs to know that he is not above the law and the crimes that he has committed and he must be prosecuted,” Johnson said in his statement.

“We will make sure that the NAACP is at the forefront of pushing Congress to proceed with the impeachment process,” he added.

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