Michael Savage interviews Donald Trump – Are you in it for the long haul?


SAVAGE: Welcome back to The Savage Nation. I am not a journalist. I’m a
talkshow host. I have opinions – I’m biased. Period. End of story. The rest
of them, all are biased. They don’t tell you that though. I’m for Trump.
Point-blank – the best choice we have. Donald Trump joins us right now on
the Savage nation.

Donald, thank you for being with us. What’s on your mind today?

TRUMP: It’s a great honor.That’s an amazing honor for you to say that. It’s
tremendous. I appreciate it Michael.

SAVAGE: But Donald, why should I hide it? I mean people make believe that
their not biased. You know and I know the media’s biased one way the other.
They all pretend that the scientists in a laboratory with a pipette in their
mouth. Their all biased. They all have an axe to grind.Look what their doing
to you. Smearing you every day with lies Garbage – pure garbage while they
let Obama get away with virtual murder. Give the of the bomb to Iran. Why is
the media not saying one word about what Obama is doing to wreck this nation
Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: Well he is doing a terrible job. He’s been a terrible President. The
person that likes him most – you know I always say is Jimmy Carter because
Jimmy’s now number two and it’s incredible. It’s absolutely incredible. And
you know, I see Michael, it’s been for a long time, I’ve heard you cannot be
every successful person and run for office, especially for president. And I
really see it now and people are actually putting things out. Mark Cuban and
said it today. He was very nice about what I’m doing – amazingly nice – and
he said, but it’s very hard for somebody that’s successfull to run because
they go after you to a level and I’m watching …

SAVAGE: Right! In other words, if you have a product they could attack your
products. These other losers have no products. They’ve never been in

TRUMP: Michael I’m watching people that know nothing about me. Have nothing
to do with me. And all of a sudden they’re experts on Donald Trump. And
they’re talking about me like they know something. They don’t have anything.
Their numbers are wrong. Everything is wrong. It’s disgraceful. And at least
I have, you know with the Real Donald Trump – the twitter stuff – I mean
it’s… At least I can fight back with the twitter and you can say you don’t
know me and they never met me and all of this stuff, but I will …

SAVAGE: But Donald, I gotta say this, last week I said,here’s the secret;
The Hispanic people in this country who are legal will vote for Trump
because they, of all people, know how hard it is to make a buck and they
want a businessman to run the country so they can hold on to what they make.
They don’t want a socialist stealing their money.

And the poll comes out today, and it shows you leading other GOP contenders
among Hispanics by a huge margin. It confirms exactly what I suspected. But
Donald let’s be clear, we know that we have a problem with illegals. We know
that that we have illegals voting in this country. We know that to vote in
Mexico every eligible Mexican has to have a tamperproof photo ID card with a
thumbprint and an embossed hologram. Would you use an executive action to
establish strict voter ID laws in the US if you became president?

TRUMP: Well you know something has to be done and I can’t believe it when
they want to take away cards. They want to take away identification. I assume
that means somebody could vote ten times. I mean who the hell’s going to
know the difference? But you know it’s incredible when you look (into this).

And you speak of Mexico and I have so many people from Mexico that work for
me. They’re wonderful people, they’re great people. And I respect Mexico as
a country. The problem is their leaders are too smart for for our leaders.
They’re cunning and a very smart and ripping up – they are ripping off our
nation like you’ve never seen.

And very interestingly, if you want to become a citizen of Mexico it’s
almost impossible. It’s so rigorous it’s so hard to become a citizen to put
you through the grinder. And you just can’t do it. And yet in our country –
boom, they walk right over the border and everybody just comes in and has a
good time and we pay for them; whether it’s prisons or hospitals or
anything. I mean in California, I don’t know if you saw this story, almost
50% of the people trying to get or applying for drivers licenses are
illegals. The whole thing is just insulting.

SAVAGE: And so how come Donald Trump, we can’t upgrade to Mexican standards
without being called racist? Why is it that we can’t require voter ID –
tamperproof photo ID cards with a thumbprint as they have in Mexico? Why is
it that we can’t have the same stringent immigration rules they have in
Mexico themselves?

You know what happens when a Guatemalan tries to come into Mexico? You know
what they do to them. The people in this country have no idea what reality
is because of the media and they won’t say one word about this. Again, I
have to go back – don’t you think it’s a good idea to use an executive
action to establish strict voter ID in the US? I know I don’t want to nail
you. I don’t want to get you to say yes and then they’ll nail you for that.
‘So a, Trump goes on right wing Savage show and says, “voter ID law”‘ and
right away they start screaming racism. I get. I know they do. I know the
game. So I guess …

TRUMP: You go to a store you need identification to buy something. You have
to have identification. And it’s incredible to me that people can fight it.
You almost wonder where do these people come from? Why are they fighting it
and how can we, our side, which is by the way, I think the big silent
majority, if you want to know the truth. How can we lose? And I think that’s
what happened. That’s why my poll numbers… We just got numbers and it was
just for my desk as I’m talking to you. In Florida, almost 27% for Trump.
Jeb Bush is 20. Marko Rubio is 9.7. He’s a sitting senator.The other was a
governor of Florida. People are tired of it. You know you look at these
numbers, like in Florida. And I love Florida. I go there all the time. I
haven’t made a speech in Florida in years and I’m leading in Florida now,
according to this poll and look …
SAVAGE: But Donald … wait a minute – Donald, California is a one-party
system, the unions in California put Jerry Brown in office, in my opinion.
They have kept the Democrat machine running that state the way that Tammany
Hall once ran New York. And I believe the reason we have no voter ID in
California and New York and anywhere else is because one party is dependent
on voter fraud and that party is the Democrat party. I think something needs
to be done.

OK so immigration is one big problem but there’s another big problem which
is our military which has been decimated under Barack Obama. What about the
bomb for Iran? What would you do if you became president? What would you do
to stop this pathway to a nuclear weapon?

TRUMP: Inconceivable that that deal is being approved and inconceivable that
Chuck Schumer who I always thought loved Israel to be honest with you, that
he’s going to approve it. BecauseIsrael is in such danger now and the whole
Middle East. I mean look the place is a total disaster – What’s going on in
the Middle East and you look at what’s happening and it’s incredible that
this could happen, but Israel …

SAVAGE: Wait, wait -Donald, has Schumer come out and said that he’s going to
support it?

TRUMP: Well, you know, nobody knows what he’s gonna do. I think. Nobody
knows. And actually I’m surprised that Israel isn’t putting tremendous
pressure on Schumer. Because they do have a lot of power over Schumer.And I
can’t believe that Schumer is taken this stance and nobody, I don’t think,
anyone really knows. I think most people think he’s gonna actually support

You know the amazing thing about that deal? A couple of amazing things. The
24 day period. What idiot would allow 24 days? And you know the 24 day
period doesn’t start for a long time because they have to go through a whole
process before it starts ticking.So they have a 24 day period but it’s a
lot longer than that. And the other thing, and it’s so simple to understand,
our prisoners. Where they say we have four people in there. Let ’em out.
Fellas, you gotta let ’em out.

And think about it. These people are in prison, and Kerry and Obama said
they didn’t want to mention the prisoners because they didn’t want to
complicate the negotiation. You say to yoursef, what’s complicated? You say,
by the way, it’s good for all of us. Let the prisoners out. Yeah, if you
have the right messenger, I guarantee you, that those would be gone.They
should have been gone at the beginning of the negotiation, not now. It’s way
late. But they should have been gone right at the beginning.

We have four people over there. One’s in there because he’s a Christian. We
have four people in the roughest prison and they’ve been over there for a
long period of time. And we make a deal. And then of course you look at all
of the different places where were fighting. They don’t want to bring up one
thing. It’s like one thing has nothing to do with the other. On top of thast
we’re giving them billions and billions of dollars. I gotta tell you, if
Iran was a stock you would buy immediately. And you would make a lot of

SAVAGE: What Donald Trump is referring to is the fact that Kerry Ketchup has
given Iran a handout. In other words, Iran is going to allow, be allowed 24
days before inspectors can access suspected nuclear sites. And what’s even
worse is yesterday Iran raised the stakes. You know as a negotiator,
youwrote “The Art Of The Deal” many years ago Donald, what they did was they
got everything they wanted so now they know they have tremendous strength,
we have weakness. They raised the stakes yesterday. You know what they said
in Iran?
I tell you what – you want a soil sample to see if it has any isotopic
activity? We’re gonna provide you with the soil. You can’t even take it out
on your own. What kind of deal is this? In 24 days Iran can hide
weaponization activity, centrifuge manufacturing, centrifuge components
uranium stockpiles, missile components and other things in 24 days. This is
not a deal. This is a sellout, Donald and you know it. And you’ve been
speaking out on it. What’s wrong with saying it though.

TRUMP: It’s a disgrace. And how he allows this to happen and that we should
of done is increased sanctions, doubled them up and these people would’ve
given us everything we wanted. It’s such an embarrassment. Our country is so
embarrassed by so many things. You know, one of the other things withthe
Iran deal – the chief negotiator, he’s very smart (person). You know the
Persians have always been great at negotiation. Known great negotiators,
the Iranians (Persians).

What happens is the chief negotiator goes back to Iran and they’re dancing
and celebrating his big victory in the streets, okay, because it’s a total

But you know, when you look at Iran, they’re going to be wealthy and they’re
going to be powerful, they’re gonna have the nuclear weapons now. And it
probably will lead to a whole nuclear (expansion) all over the Middle East I
mean it’s probably gonna to be a proliferation all over the Middle East. It
is one of the dumbest deals I’ve ever seen. It’s just …

SAVAGE: So why did Obama want – why did Obama pushed it so hard? Why does he
need this deal? What is he seeking?

TRUMP: Who can know? You know I said he would look so great if he walked
away from the table right now. Now I said that two weeks ago. I said it a
month ago. The other thing, did you ever see a deal that took so long to get
done? This deal went on forever. And that’s called tapping. You know I do
that when I have a deal – I don’t know if I want to make it. I might make
it. See you tap the people on – tap, tap, tap. It’s called tapping.

I guarantee you that during the tapping period, they have been working like
hell to put up, you know, to do what they were trying to do, which is pretty
obvious to me as far as I’m concerned. But I don’t think it even matters
because this deal is so bad they can do whatever they want to do. Who’s
gonna catch them? And don’t forget though, and I said before, the 24 days
takes a long time just to start the process. You know, to start the clock
ticking. So it’s a very sad thing. My, it’s so sad. So embarrassing – the
whole thing.

SAVAGE:Alright. So wait a minute. So we talked about two issues.One is the
problem of the surge of illegals, we touched on voter identification, we’ve
touched on the nuclear deal. You’re a businessman, your great businessman.
Your profitable. The question is you once said run the nation like a
business which I agree with and we have talked about putting tariffs on
China – goods from China. Do you still think that’s a good idea?

TRUMP: Pecent? Well no. I don’t like to do it unless they rip us off and
they’ve been ripping us off for years. We’ve rebuilt China. If you go to
China, you will see bridges bigger than the George Washington bridge being
built all over the place. You’ll see highways that are so incredible. You’ll
see – you’ll see airports. Look at our airports, Kennedy and LaGuardia and
you look at LAX in Los Angeles and Newark. They’re like third world
airports. And you go to China, and by the way, other places. You go to Saudi
Arabia, you go to Qatar, you go to Dubai, you go to places, you’ve never
seen anything (like these). Michael unless you’ve been there, you won’t even
believe what you’re seeing. And then you come home and you land at LaGuardia
where they have potholes on the runway.

SAVAGE: (LOL) I know. It looks like looks like Ellis Street in San
Francisco. I get it. The money. The money is snorted up somebody’s nose.

Donald Trump, everyone’s saying things about you that are untrue and they’re
afraid that you’re not in it for the long haul. We got over a year to go.
You’ve got important businesses to run I have a question for you: What about
the millions the tens of millions of Americans who have been excited by your
campaign. Why is there no donation page where we can you help – people
contribute. You’re a rich man but you know this is gonna cost a billion and
a half dollars. Surly you want to throw all of that out on your own. Are you
considering having people donate money or not?

TRUMP: Yeah, they do. I guess it’s calledTrump.com. But but you know I can’t
… It’s so cute … I get a woman the other day. She sent me $7.11 which
amounted to a percentage of her monthly something. An older woman. She said
Mr. Trump, I love you so much, this is … that was a lot of money for her.
And I got the check. I don’t know but somehow I see this check. But people
are sending a lot of money in and I don’t, honestly, I don’t want the money.
I think one of the reasons I’m doing so well, you know Bush has raised over
hundred million dollars from people. I know all those people. They’re
friends of mine – a lot of them friends.Some are enemies. But I know them
all. Really powerful, smart, tough people. They don’t give money like that
because it’s a charity. They give money because they want something.

When Bush has over 100 million when Hillary is over 50 million everybody
that gave millions of dollars is getting a lot for that. They’re gonna get
all sorts of things and in a lot of cases it’s very bad for the country.
Good for them. Good for their companies, but bad for the country.

SAVAGE: So wait. So you’re saying that you don’t want donations because you
don’t want to be beholden to contributers but small contributers don’t want
anything back, Donald?

TRUMP: Michael one man offered five million. They wanna put millions in. I
said don’t do it. Because I don’t want to be in a position where someday
your gonna need any … I want to do what’s right. You I have the expression
make America great again. I want to make America great again. I can do it.
And you know what? If it keeps going the way it’s going Michael you never
can have that chance again. That’s how bad this is.
SAVAGE: So you’re willing to blow one and a half billion dollars of your own
money to become president?

TRUMP: Whoa, I’ll be seeing what happens. Number one, I’m doing really well
so far. You know in – up I guess. They say I’m leading in all the polls and
we’ll see what happens, okay. It’s a long long way to go. It’s a long …

SAVAGE: So we’ve touched on the monetary aspects. Is there anything else
you’d like to give out to the Savage nation? Because I know your time is
limited, your on every show in the world. We all love what you’re saying.
And of course the smearers are smearing around-the-clock while letting Obama
get away with virtual murder, giving Iran a nuclear weapon, etc. Anything
else you want to leave the audience with perhaps when we come back – can you
hold a few minutes Donald? and close it out with that?

TRUMP:Okay I’ll hold.

SAVAGE: Okay. Thank you. I’ll be right back.

I’m Michael Savage. I’m not a journalist. I’m a talkshow host. I have strong
opinions. Donald Trump is with us. Donald, we have very little time. What
would you like to leave the audience with today on the Savage nation?

TRUMP: Well, we have to strengthen our military. We have to absolutely take
care of our vets. Mike, our vets are treated so badly so horribly. It’s
ridiculous. And we have to get rid of Obamacare. I mean there’s so much to
do, so much to do. And we have to do it quickly because we’re not going to
have much time. If we keep going this way it’s not going to be – you’re not
going to be able to bring it back. So we have to go … This is a very
important election. This is maybe the most important election we’ve ever
had. So, you know …

SAVAGE: I hope I hope you’re in it for the long haul. Donald, I really hope
you’re in it for the long haul. As I said at the beginning I’ll say it
again. Go Donald go. I support your candidacy. No one is gonna get you. I
love the purest Donald. The popes of conservativism who so you’re not really
conservative you not this you’re too weak on that. You’re almost
conservative, you might be …

The fact is no one’s going to give them 100% of the pure vision they have
for the George Washington that never existed. So as far as I’m concerned,
you’re the standardbearer. You’re the only hope we have. You’re the lion
that we’ve been waiting for. You’re the Winston Churchill of our time and I
pray to God that you’re in it for the long haul. I ask only one thing in
return for supporting you Donald. When you become president, I want to run
the NIH and clean it out and put real scientists into it.

TRUMP: That’s good. Well, we would We have a smart smart man in charge
that’s for sure.

SAVAGE: (LOL) – Donald Trump, God bless you. Keep it up. Don’t let them get
get you down. As they said, there’s an old saying from ancient Rome which I
don’t think I can say. Which is illegitimi non carborundum. Donald, thank
you. Thank you very much. Keep hitting them real hard. They need it.